School of Excellence

A holistic approach is designed for complete mental, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of child. The overall concept is intended to bring 360* development in students with respect to life skills, values and caliber and give enough exposure to the students regarding developing and trending technology. The approach would be to impart LEARNING  and JUST NOT TEACHING

School of Excellencecan be broadly categorised into five Key- Programs that further describes the core concepts of Prayatna i.e. Academics & Life skills development, Value education, Calibre improvement and digital exposure. All the categories have been put together to promote holistic development of students covered under one product.

Exposure, calibre, communication and life skill together makes an individual successful in education and career. The students of government schools are lagging behind in all the categories in comparison to their peer of private schools. In short term, such programs will correct the alignment of students towards learning, learning new things, score improvement through calibre improvement and application of life skill in their day to day life.

Exposure to such activities in longer run will not only reduce the inferiority complex & develop confidence but also lead to focused, futuristic and much hopeful attitude towards education and career. Briefly, the objective of the programs is to make students competitive and fit for survival, to lead a successful and meaningful life.

 School of Excellence“ comprises following key-programs
1.    Remedial Classes                        
2.    Utthaan – Out to Learn
3. Mitra-Mandal
4. Natyashala
5. VidyaPeeth


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