
Showing posts from May, 2020

Utthaan – Out to Learn

                                         A Govt. School Project     “ Calibre Enhancement Program for the needs of digital age ” Brief description: Prayatna extended its concept of learning Like Skills for better future prospects in Govt. School premises in off hours in form of “UTTHAAN” concept when school space is vacant and children can come and join two special programs that majorly focus on development of professional skills as career skills for the students of classes 9 th to 12 th .   It also covers various aspects of Career Choices, Planning and providing sustainable Counseling in another part. Calibre Enhancement program (CEP): It is designed to improve two important career oriented skills: ·          Logical , analytical ability and ·          Verbal ability Program is planned for rigorous efforts through instructor led classroom practice sessions. Generally, students of government school lack in both the skills. Logical development is important not


                 “Primary Education Program on Value based Skills”              Program is designed for standards 1 st to 5 th (age 6 till 10 years)   Based on Indian traditional education principles with modern values Aiming for Character Education that promotes Moral Development. Follow simple curriculum of Integration of “Moral Virtues” with Academics Daily Spiritual Prayers with Yogic Exercises for developing Mental Abilities & pursuing Divine Consciousness “ Book-Reading,   Story-telling & Quiz based Arts Classes ” are the daily routine to improve Linguistic, Literary & Verbal Abilities Special “ Sunday Diary ” Activity – 5 Hour long activity based program followed by Collective Lunch to harness Togetherness  


                   (Activity based Learning Program on Developing Life Skills)                    Brief description: " Natyashala " is a theatre wing of “Prayatna School of Excellence” NGO and the idea behind of it is inculcating values and developing personality traits among children of age group of 10 to 16 through the plays, Story-telling and other artistic and literary activities. It also promotes theatre activities for acting aspirants. " " Natyashala " is intended for Govt. school students who are enrolled in Prayatna. Most of the students enrolled in " Natyashala " are from migrant families from urban rural areas of Gurgaon. Since 2009 many plays have been played by the children. Street plays are also an integral part of NatyaShala and following is the list of the most successful plays in recent times. Major projects: ·          The Heroes of Panipat – year 2019 (most successful so far) ·          Bada Aadmi


                                                                     Student Empowerment & Leadership Program                    “It is life skills based program where students indulged in various   real life problems,      go through with experimental learning and   learn to solve them in collaborative model”      à   To develop a sense of Ownership    à   To develop a sense of Responsibility    à   To develop a sense of Leadership    à   To develop a sense of Team Spirit    à   To develop a sense of to be Empowered    à   To develop a sense of Democratic values in life         Students form a “Cabinet of Ministers” to run operations in a democratic way, where       “Students are elected for a time span to perform a designated role where they are     free to take initiatives, make decisions, planning, do mistakes and learn from them,   in case expectations are not fulfilled then their rights are revoked by “Right to Recall”